
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

1st Hike in Washington: Mt Rainer

Yup, it's summer and we decided to go hiking. Our choice: Mount Rainer -Paradise. It's beautiful sight and have 2 totally different terrain like 20min drive away.. And like what the park ranger told us, the trail is 75% covered with snow and the only way to get down is to knee down.
Derrick gliding
Ehmm.. That's Derrick doing the park ranger's way. As for me... I chose the lazy way, sit on bum and glid down. Well, my jeans got wet.. =P
Paradise view
Next we headed to another 2 hour walk and came across these floating tree trunks, To get to the campsite, you need to walk across these tree trunks. Somehow, it reminds me of those computer games where you had to jump across moving obstacles.
ella inching
And that's me.. Walking super slowly and testing each step before i walk on the floating tree trunks. But it was quite an experience


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