
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Been busy

Ya.. I been super super busy with work, etc.. Last week i had 4 days of break from thurs to sunday as it was thanksgiving. But it ended up a busy busy holiday too.. Thanksgiving sale aka Black Friday sales was what got us busy. We woke up at 5am despite sleeping at 3am that night so as to go Staples to buy the external 500GB harddisk which was going for USD$80.

Nay.. In the end, it was sold out. There were people who queued overnight to grab those door busters deals. Derrick and rest queued last year to buy the TV and it was quite an experience i heard.

This year round, we weren't keen about the queueing. That night, it suddenly became so cold that we heard the radio that it was -3 degrees.. When we woke up at 5am, for the first time, i was shivering all over. There's ice on the car, floor..

but we did managed to buy stuff like warm clothes, fleece slippers, jeans, electric water kettle, etc..

there's so much to say and write that i couldn't pen down. In short i'm busy and trying hard to blog.. **wink** noticed the sudden increased in number of blogs today

Keep coming to my blog k.. i promise to update more frequent.


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