
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Spidey and Wii

This morning, we went and watched Spiderman 3 with the others. I think the show is pretty good but Derrick has some comments about it *he hasn't blog for very long, i will try to get him blog abt this* And there are more sequels that's going to hit the cinemas in the next few weeks. Shrek 3, Pirates of the Carribean 3 and Harry Porter..

In the evening, we were invited to Aaron's place for pizza and try out his new toy- Wii. The thing is, it has been difficult to get hold of a Wii console in USA for the past 6 months. We chanced upon an availability of Wii during tues-the-Baskin Robin event. So Junyong called Aaron and they bought the Wii immediately..

And.. Aaron used to work at Papa John's making pizza, so all of us were looking forward to the pizzas he's going to make. I must tell you, it's really good. The crust, the toppings. It's very different from the kinds we are used to. But it tastes really good. He used herbs like basil, oregano and cheese like Fresh mozzarella, Mozzarella, parmesan and toppings like olives, peppers, pepperoni.

Well.. I was with him while he prepared the pizzas, so i remembered the list of stuff he used. He was very nice to show and explain to me all the different ingredients. Well.. I was eager to learn. I have learned quite a lot from Aaron, guess a real life teacher teaches better than those american cookbooks.

As for the Wii.. We had a blasting time with it. It's fun and different from other consoles. The remote controls made the difference. With the motion sensored controllers, you could swing it like rackets, etc.. It's fun and we could say everyone had a good workout.

Friday, May 04, 2007

A little gift for myself


Was out shopping with the girls today and were at Crabtree & Evelyn. And since one of the girls bought some items, we could buy this starter kit for $6. Yup.. $6.. Sooo i asked if we could buy 2 sets of this.. And the sale assistant was very nice and said no problem with this. So 2 of us got 1 of this each..

And guess what derrick said when he saw my buy.. "Don't you have burt's bee already". Yikes.. the excitement of a cheap steal in the crabtree store made me forgot about e burt's bee that has been working very well for me.. "Well.. this is branded stuff.."

Anyway, i'll be a good girl and use the burt's bee *Which is very very good*
As for this small gift, i will leave it sitting pretty on the desk for a while.. =)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Another ice cream day

Baskin Robbins

Yup.. I came across this promotion while doing my online shopping. 31cent scoop night by Baskin Robbins.. It's a big ice cream chain over here with 31 flavours all year round. So i told the others about this. So off we went to get our ice cream fix. They went to the Bellevue square's Baskin Robbin while Derrick and i went to Redmond's Baskin Robbin as the Redmond outlet is much nearer for us.

We paid 61cent + taxes for a single scoop on cone as they explained that you have to pay 30cents more for the cone. Every customer in the Redmond store paid 30cents more for the cone.

To my dismay, Junyong and gang pnly paid 31cent for the single scoop on cone. They didn't had to pay 30cent for the cone.. AND.. all of them had 2 rounds of icecreams while we had only 1 round of icecream.. While the ad says 31cent scoop night but nothing on the cone though..

I still prefer the Ben & Jerry's free cone day. It's big cone with big helping of ice cream. And moreover, it's freee....

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