
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Emily trying out rice porridge

Since i cooked porridge, i figured i blend some of the porridge for Emily to try it. It's her first solid food without breastmilk. And we are all set to start to feeding her that.

hee.. notice that i used the glass locknlock as bowl? Well, we didn't buy Emily any bowl and instead bought some of these glass containers for her. We like using that since the size is good and it's really convenient.

My only regret is i should have bought them in round shape instead of rectangle. The teacher at the daycare showed me another parent put the homemade baby food in these same round containers, and they can heat it directly using the baby bottle warmer. The next time when i order stuff from locknlock, i'm going to get some round ones. For now, i'm using the square ones and microwaving them instead.



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