
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Free Cone Day from Ben & Jerry

Ben Jerry Free Cone Day

Yup yup, on tuesday, we made the 10 min drive to Kirkland to have our free cone. =) Imagine having ice cream in the cold.. But the whole experience was fun and good. The queue was rather short and people were having relaxed queueing for free cone. It's not like in Singapore where there's always a mad rush for free stuff.

And it surprises me that you have a big range of favors to choose from and the serving was big. The lady that served me threw away a cone just becos of a chip, and gave me a new one. I'm very impressed with the service. I was thinking, "it's free, so i'm ok with a chipped cone"

Well.. Here's the list of ice cream we had:
Derrick had Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl New! - Milk chocolate ice cream with a thick peanut butter swirl

Jingying had New York Super Fudge Chunk® - Chocolate Ice Cream with White & Dark Fudge Chunks, Pecans, Walnuts & Fudge Covered Almonds

Monday, April 16, 2007

Yogurt War

Yup.. It's Low fat(Red cups) vs Light Yogurt(Blue cups) and guess who's supporting which?


We were doing our grocery shopping earlier and we wanted to buy more yogurt. The previous week, i had bought 4 cups of the low fat yogurt(red). To my dismay, today i discovered that light is actually lower in calories than low fat. 1 cup of light is 110 calories whereas low fat is 240 calories. Morale of the story: Never be mislead by the term "low fat" as light may be a much healthier choice.

So i swapped all my yogurt for the light version which is the healthier choice. BUT.. seems that i still lost the battle as Derrick bought a lot more "low fat" than "light". He's having the red cups while i'm having the blue cups.

Not too sure about the taste for the blue cups though... But i'm sticking to the healthier choice for now and these cups are supposed to last us for 1 month.
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