
Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's party time, the long awaited housewarming party

Party Tags

Finally, we are having our housewarming party. We started out planning for 2 parties, 1 for colleagues, 1 for friends. In the end, we decided to combine both into 1 party. Makes things easier. Since some of our friends is vegetarian, i went an additional step to label the food.

Hee.. in ella-style. Since i'm going to make tags for food, let's make it cute. Now looking at the sumptous spread of food, i'm kinda worried, it's not enough.. mm.. Maybe i will prepare more food, but then again, past records have showed that i tend to over-prepare the amount of food 99.99% of the time.

Well.. let's just say, i rather overfeed than underfeed my guests. Time for a pig out session.


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