
Thursday, April 15, 2010

There's a TEA party downstairs

My office is on the 19th floor. And when people are saying "there's a TEA party downstairs", it really makes you wonder and go "huh!?!?" And after looking at the people, i thought. Tea party = why would a lot number of people gather to drink tea?

Nope, it's a rally at the City Hall Park. My office faces the City Hall i.e police station, etc... and since today is Tax Day. Apparently all over USA, there are TEA parties. TEA = Taxed Enough Already.

Apparently, the country bumpkin me did not know what's a TEA party and had the locals explaining that to me.

My colleagues went down to take a look and apparently the crowds there were crazy. Some came dressed as pirates and the speeches were going on about Obama being a Nazist, etc.. Well, i do agree with the frustrations about the high tax. Yes, the tax here is REALLLLLYYY high..

Wiki info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement


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