
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ramen dinner and challenge

Last friday, one of the girls suggested going to this restaurant for ramen. And this place is now offering a ramen challenge. Eat this super big bowl of ramen within 30mins and you win a $100 gift certificate. Pay $20 if you fail to do so. Well, a bowl of ramen already cost $13, so it ain't too costly to do the test. Especially it was advertised that the challenge bowl is a 3 litre bowl.

So.. the guys were challenging each other to go for the challenge. In the end, only Ricky was the only one up for the challenge.

This is Ricky and his wife Sheue Lei. See how huge the bowl is? Oh my god, it's bigger than his face.

Ok, we had to compare the 2 bowls. Sean on the left is having the normal bowl of ramen while Ricky on the right is having the challenge bowl. Yep, we had fun posing all these funny pictures before gobbling the ramen. For the record, the normal bowl of ramen is quite shallow, so we all feel that the challenge bowl is more worth the $

hee.. We had to pose Emily with the challenge bowl. I think the bowl can fit the 7 weeks old baby.

I had normal bowl of Ramen which was pretty good.

Derrick had the chicken katsu which was huge.

Here's Ricky sweating and trying hard to drink the soup. OMG, there's like 2 gallons of soup there and it's just impossible to finish the soup. Did i mention that he already scoop out and ate 5 bowls of noodles? It was 5 full bowl of noodles with the bowl next to the challenge bowl.

Ok, although Ricky did not win the challenge. They gave him free dessert which made Sheuelei really happy.

It was really a fun dinner and we await the next round when one of us is up for the challenge bowl again. =)


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