
Monday, January 10, 2011

Every baby needs to have naked pictures of her

Wait a second.. I'm not having my naked pictures posted on the world wide web. Nope, mummy you are not going to do that

okie, you promised... You pinky promised me kk. That you won't show me fully naked to the whole world. Now, i can better enjoy myself in my favorite time, bath time for Emily.

What's that on my head? Definitely the works of mummy, she put the towel on my head just like those koreans who do that in the drama in spa. Do i look cuter this way?

Hmm, who's the other baby in the mirror? It's copying me and seems to love bath time too. Let me observe for a while more before i decide whether to fuss about it. In the meantime, let me enjoy my soak in the water before daddy and mummy pull me out of the water.


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