
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Emily's full month party

What's a full month party without red eggs? Thanks to auntie Eve who has the red powder, Emily has red eggs to give away for her party. Don't they look pretty?

Yep, mummy and daddy cooked all these food. We are expecting 19 adults and 4 kids. It took us 2 days to cook all these food. We have beehoon, curry, glutinous rice, fried chicken wings, fried nuggets, fried fish balls and plenty of desserts. Luckily we borrowed the deep fryer from auntie linda and made it easy to fry. The food was yummy and as usual, we had plenty of leftovers despite everyone having more than 1 round and everyone helped to bring some food back.

See all the aunties and Curtis and Ruby. The aunties helped to come up with Emily's Chinese and English names. Emily is lucky to have pampering from all these aunties and uncles.

Here's Emily and daddy. Yep, daddy's princess already...

Thanks to everyone for their generosity. See so many presents for Emily.

Here's the birthday gal giving all her fans a big yawn out while trying to cut her ice cream cake. Awwww...

Here's Emily's first picture with the family.

Emily, welcome to the family! We are very lucky to know this bunch of Singaporeans/ Malaysians here in USA. Yes, it's our family here.

I had a great time at the party and hope everyone else did too. As for the birthday gal, i think she slept through most of her party.


  • At 8:28 PM , Anonymous Yi-Min said...

    I love the bug yawn picture, I timed it well! :)

  • At 8:29 PM , Anonymous Yi-Min said...

    Oops...I mean big!


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