
Sunday, December 19, 2010


Are all passport photos that ugly? Today, we brought our cutie pie to have her passport photos taken and i must say the picture of her ain't too glamorous. It's an amazement she was actually very awake and kept her eyes wide awake for the photo. I had half expected a struggle to open her eyes for the photoshoot.

Just before we arrived at Costco, she had to spit milk out. Can you spot the milk stain on her top?
Mummy tried to brush some stuff off her hair, and it ended up leaving her hair going sideways. She looks much better with her hair straight down..

What's with the cross eyes? I know it's normal for babies to have cross eyes but she's going to have a cross-eyed passport photo for the next 5 years.

okie, i'm asking too much. It's not easy taking a passport picture of a 3 week old. Try doing that...


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