
Sunday, December 12, 2010

So what happened to the turkey?

Remember that i was planning to host the thanksgiving party at our place and also cook turkey for the very first time? And Emily decides that she wants to eat turkey too, and arrive the day before thanksgiving?

Well, since the turkey is already defrosted, it has been thawing for several days in the fridge already. The brine was already prepared, so all that's left is soak in the brine and cook it. soo... Derrick and i decided to cook it.

Here's the turkey that almost got away, a 14 pounder, making it the biggest bird we ever cooked

Here's the aromatics that have been microwaved

Now stuff them into the bird's belly

A stuffed turkey before the baking

Of course the smoke alarms did go off. And to prevent the breast from overcooking, you need to tent it with aluminium foil

Look how good it looks, it was very yummy and juicy too...

We all loved it, it was that good that we are considering cooking it again. As the turkey was too big for the 2 of us to finish. erm, i should say 3 of us, Derrick drove around passing the turkey to some friends. Maybe we will try making it again for next year's thanksgiving.

Here's the Alton Brown's receipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/good-eats-roast-turkey-recipe/index.html


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