
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Home based UV treatment for Emily's jaundice

Well, Emily has jaundice and because her level was high, we had to go back to the doctor every day. And every day she has to be poked at and they draw a freaking big bottle of blood out of her. Yep, the first time they did that, both of us teared.

They wanted to monitor her, ie. continue to draw her blood daily to see how her jaundice goes. For most babies, it tends to go away after several days. Well, i myself had jaundice at birth. And it's tough on both of us, who are new parents, but also to go to the hospital daily.

We asked to start the UV treatment as there doesn't sounds like any harm in doing the treatment except $$ of course. Well, Microsoft benefits are REALLLLYYY goood and they pretty much covered everything. We were told to either re-admit her into the hospital or opt for the home based treatment. We took the latter. Well, we want to continue breastfeeding her, so home based treament was a better choice for us. And the nurse will come our place daily to draw blood and check on her anyway.

It looks like a copier machine, some say looks like tanning machine

And you put the sack on top of the machine

Finally, you put the baby inside the sack.

She was to lie on the machine non stop but Emily doesn't like it at all. I think she prefers to be all swaddled up. She makes a whole lot of fuss at night when we put her on the machine. Thank goodness, her level stabalized after 2 days and the doctor took her off the machine.


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