
Sunday, November 14, 2010

How did we celebrate derrick's birthday?

Well, the plan was to eat out every day for the week to celebrate his birthday but we got so sick of eating out, that on his actual birthday itself, we actually stayed home and cooked some pasta instead.

We did make it to The Keg for steak for dinner the day before his birthday. Apparently, both of us like the steak there but it's been really a long time since we last went. Erm.. derrick thinks it's almost 2 years ago. But well, we still enjoy the steak there the most. I ordered the smalled 8oz steak while Derrick ordered the 10oz prime steak. Mind you, both of us were pretty hungry when we arrived at The Keg. On seeing the food portion, i was telling Derrick, my portion look pretty small and maybe we can order something more later.

Here's my steak. Simple and super yummy and was still juicy although i ordered well done. Well for baby's sake i chose well done, else medium done would have been my default choice

Here's Derrick's prime rib. It was really good.

2/3 into the steaks, we both are super full. Guess meat really fills you up and both of us are glad that we didn't order the bigger sized steaks. Well, we did enquire about birthday promotions and apparently the only one they had is, join the birthday club online and they will snail mail you a card that will let the birthday person eat for free. Too late for us, but definitely signing up for that next year.

The waiter felt bad about it and gave us a free dessert. OMG, it was super super super yummy coffee ice cream aka mud pie or so the name on the menu. By the time we finished the steaks, both of us were super full already. But the ice cream cake was sooo good that we finished it all too..

Hee, a half eaten cake before i remember to take a picture of it.

erm.. both of us were sooo full from this dinner which is why we decided to cancel the planned-steak-dinner-at-John-Howie-the-next-night. Yup, i bought a coupon for John Howie a while back and that was the higher end steakhouse. But both of us decide to postpone it and will have our steaks again in a while's time


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