
Monday, November 08, 2010

It's Derrick's birthday this week

Forgot to take a picture on saturday when we celebrated Derrick's birthday with ice cream cake with others at Kevin and Linda's place. But there will be 1 scene that i will never forget and it brings a smile to me when i recall it.

Well.. Since it was ice cream cake and the freezer didn't have room for it. We had left the cake in the fridge the whole time. And we were debating whether to have the ice cream cake after dinner or whether to wait for 2 friends that was supposedly to join us. While we were debating, we were calling out to Curtis, who is 3+ now, that we are going to have the birthday cake.

But the adults are sooo fickle minded. We decided to put the cake back in the fridge and wait for the 2 friends to join us later. Guess what?

While we were all chatting away around the dining table, Curtis showed up with the huge cake in his hands. And everyone's was stumped... Yes, a 3 year old boy took the huge cake out from the fridge and was ready to blow some candles. And we were all so afraid that he was going to drop the cake. Yes, the huge cake looks bigger than him.

Such a cute and memorable scene of Curtis and the cake. It feels like it was just yesterday when he was still so tiny when he was born, drooling while he was crawling. Awwww.....

And yes, Curtis sang a special edition of Chinese happy birthday song to Derrick.


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