
Friday, October 15, 2010

Healthcare in USA is freaking expensive

I seriously wonder how Americans can afford the healthcare here. And also wonder how those people especially illegal immigrants can even afford them? I guess, maybe that's why there's a lot of people out here that rather not see a doctor even when they are sick.

By far, we are blessed in a way that both of us aren't sick and that Microsoft provides one of the best benefits around here. Until today, we haven't had to fork out a single $ when dealing with healthcare. But it's been announced that in 2 years time, Microsoft is adopting a co-pay system.

It's pretty scary to see the bills although i don't pay a single $ for them. Like the ultrasound we had recently was billed at USD$1500. It was a simple ultrasound for the 20 week of the pregnancy.

I hear pregnant folks in Singapore have ultrasounds done during every visit. But over here in the states, they only do 1 ultrasound during the 20th week to determine baby's overall health and gender.

I wonder if the $$ is the reason why they only do 1 round, or it's like what they say that sending too much sound waves to the baby ain't good.

Whatever the case, my warning to all folks. If you ever travel, do buy travel insurance. If you ever need medical attention while overseas, don't say you are not warned about the $$$$$.


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