
Thursday, September 30, 2010

20-Potato-a-day diet for 60 days

I read this news today that the head of the Washington state Potato Commission says he's sick of people linking spuds to junk food. So, starting Friday, Chris Voight says he's going to eat nothing every day for 60 days except potatoes. Twenty plain potatoes a day. No cheating with cheese toppings or bacon bits.

He has a facebook page too and i think it's pretty crazy to eat 20 potatos a day for 60 days. For me, i think i will die of boredom from the sheer lack of variety of food.

Does this reminds you of the show - Super size me? Where one guy ate at Macdonald's for 30 days? How about another where a girl drank alcohol for 30 days to test the side effects? Well 60 days of potato only diet.. I wonder if it bodes good. Let's wait and see the results



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