
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Baby progress

Baby is 3 months to her due date. Yep, in case you haven't heard, we are expecting a baby girl. Do you ever have the feeling that you don't feel prepared to be a parent yet?

Well, there's tons of decisions to be made and i for one, hate making decisions. I'm fickle minded and there's tons of decisions to be made for the upcoming upcoming new family member. Yep, i guess you can never be ready enough to be a parent.

Let's see the kinds of decisions to make:
- What SUV to buy? Color?
- What car seat to buy? Where to buy and what color?
- Should we use cloth diapers?
- To register baby as Singapore citizen?
- What name (English and Chinese) for baby?
- What crib to buy?
- When to take leave?
And the list goes on...

Baby, baby what should we do?


  • At 9:48 AM , Anonymous GPB said...

    Hahah! Interestingly, the first 2 questions do not seem to be directly related to the baby.

    And yes i stressed that phrase :P

  • At 11:45 AM , Blogger ella said...

    It is related. My first car is a coupe and it's near impossible to try to bend your back to put the baby along w the car seat in the back.

    And the second, that's the infant car seat i'm talking about


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