
Thursday, August 05, 2010

Derrick made beignets

Remember the box of mix i bought from New Orleans from our last trip? Beignets that taste like you tiao, shaped like butterfly you tiao and yet taste so goood covered with lots of powdered sugar?

Derrick decided to try making some out of the box for his breakfast. We did some research and took some advice that was posted online. Such as keeping in the fridge overnight, and making the dough thicker. Guess what? By chance, on the second batch of frying, we realised frying big pieces of dough makes them fluffy.

tada.. here's the end result. Pretty darn good and Derrick made it all from the dough to the frying.. Certainly comparable to the ones found in the cafes in New Orleans. Now, time to ask Derrick to make some for friends to try this out.

Next up, make beignets from scratch instead of prepared mix.


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