
Monday, July 12, 2010

Feeling cheated, where's the sediments?

I have been reading so much about flushing one's water heater, that we finally decided to flush ours. The idea is, the water supply contains sand and dirt, aka sediments. And these collect on the botton of the water tank over time. And since the water heating element is right at the bottom, you lose efficiency as the sediments prevent the heat from reaching water directly. Morever, it may result in rust thus shortening the lifespan of the water heater.

So here we are, prepping to flush our water heater. We took another step by turning off the water heater for 2 days. This way, the water ain't too hot to melt the hose. Here goes...

Erm.. But where are the sediments?

Our conclusion is that the water supply here is too clean..


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