
Friday, June 11, 2010

We are in New Orleans, USA

For the very first time, we are going to New Orleans, USA. Derrick is attending the Microsoft Tech Ed conference which is being held there and i decided to tag along. Well, we haven't been to anywhere else in USA and we both thought it's a good opportunity.

New Orleans, still recovering from the damages of Hurriance Katrina was recently hit by the biggest oil spill in history. It's a place that have been plagued by issues in the recent years.

It was a place that:
1) is Super hot, hot hot
2) has tons tons of bars and almost every other people on the road is holding a drink.
3) has the worst customer service. Well, should i say several of the restaurants/ cafes such as Macdonald has the worst attitude staff. And i'm not the only one that's complaining, customers spent 40+ mins waiting for their takeout has the same thoughts. Apparently there's 20+ customers that has been waiting forever for their orders.
4) No conception of vegetables? Yes, i'm soo desperate to have some greens after all the gumbo, jambalyan, po boys, fried chicken, beignets...
5) Passionate performancers on the streets despite the sorching heat. Yes, i was melting in my brief moments in the sun and i certainly am impressed by the performancers.

More pictures to come soon...


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