
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Our first roadtrip Washington-Oregon-California - Day 2

Day 2 of our road trip and today we are going to drive 6 hours down to northern california to see the kinetic sculpture race and see the redwoods.

Yes, we drove 30mins to reach the first diner for breakfast. I confess, i'm the most grumpy unhappy pig if i don't get my coffee first thing in the morning. Here i am, beaming about my breakfast. hee.. Derrick ordered the "kid meal" as he already guessed that i can't finish my plate. I should really stick to ordering kid's meal. poor Derrick

Beautiful ocean scenery. Simply breathtaking...

See Rex(Derrick's nickname) with Rex? We didn't enter the park but we couldn't pass up taking a picture with the dinosaur.

Here's the hairy paul and bull at the Tree of Mystery. It's actually a tree walk suspended above the trees.

2 of us were starving by the time we got to Eureka in California and we couldn't find the diner in our guide. Luckily, there was another recommendation in the guide - Samoa cookhouse. It's indeed like they wrote. No menu and ridiculous amount of food at cheap rate. The menu for the day was BBQ ribs, come complete with soup, sides and dessert. And it's family style and you can ask for seconds. The food was really good. Well, let's just say there was plenty of fat people around us at the place. This used to be a cafeteria in the log mill. Definitely an different experience to dine here.

Once a year, there's this kinetic sculpture race in Eureka, California. People were more out to enjoy the fun rather than the competing. Rules? Must be human powered, able to float in water and have a soft toy on the sculpture. Yes, people who participated are really crazy and are good sport. We missed the morning jump into the water but we saw them on the road. Man, i pity those competitors trying to cycle up the steep slope.

Is Derrick buying Tacos from a truck?

Nope, it's a Taco truck competitor

Redwood. Surprisingly, this place makes us sad. At the Samoa cookhouse, we saw the old photos where the redwood are sooo huge that the width it can take 20+ people and horses. Right now, the biggest redwood remaining are so small compared to those in the pictures. It will be another 1000+ years for our children to see trees of those sizes and i hope our conservation steps will get us there.

Here's a swanky and expensive restaurant that we didn't like.

This marks the end of day 2. It has been a looong day driving on the roads but was an enjoyable one. There's been many firsts today also. First time in california, first time seeing redwood, etc..


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