
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's cooking this week?

This week, i decide to do something different. Other than buying fruits for the week while we went grocery shopping. I bought almost nothing more. The idea? To cook using food/ items i already have in the fridge/ pantry.

Sunday: Sushi time!
erm.. Derrick where's the can of sushi beancurd skins? No matter how we hunt, we can't find any. In the end, we make do with the 2 seaweed that has been leftover from the last sushi cookout like forvever ago. Frozen edaname. The california rolls turned out pretty good.

Monday: Char siew noodles.
Had pork loin, leftover dried prawn mee, vegetables from last week. It was yummy except that derrick complained that the char siew could have been sweeter.

Tuesday: Baked rice with hotdog.
Hotdog, Campbell can of mushroom soup, leftover luncheon meat from sat, leftover shredded cheese. Turned out pretty good.

Now, we still have wed, thurs, fri. Let's see what 3 more dishes i can whip up. It does seem that i have plenty of food in both fridge and pantry. Maybe i can last another week of cook-whatever-you-already-have. We shall see...


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