
Monday, June 07, 2010

Our first roadtrip Washington-Oregon-California - Day 3

Today, we will be driving 8 hours to get back to Washington. But we still drop by places along the way.

World biggest sea lion cave.

Can you see the sea lions?

Here's more of them in the cave. You have to take an elevator down into the cave.

Here's a 3 year old female sea lion skeleton. That's how big they are and the male ones are even much bigger in size.

Family time, the Quans and the sea lion family.

Here's another recommendation from our friend and i love the congee. Haven't had that for reallly long. Well, i don't eat century eggs, and most places serve congee with century eggs. Lucky for me, this place serves congee of all styles. Derrick had wanton that taste like the ones we had in Hongkong.

It has been a fun 3 day roadtrip and although we spent most of the time driving on the road. It's been fun, just the 2 of us driving and sightseeing and eating.


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