
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Houston, we have a problem

For folks that have not heard the line "Houston, we have a problem", please go http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/houston-we-have-a-problem.html

We are going to transit Houston and decided to spend 3 days in Hoston/ Austin. It was really cheap at USD$200 in all for the hotel and car rental. So what did we do in Houston?

First stop, BBQ food.

Oh my, this local restaurant recommended in the guide turned out to be the best and cheapest BBQ we had. Too bad, it only opens in the weekday, else we would have made another trip here.

Yes, it definitely deserves the King of Grill tag.

We shared this lunch special that has ribs and brisket. Oh my, everything was sooooo good. The Texas sweet onion slices were also sooo good, that now i know they deserve to be more expensive at the supermarket.

Drooling about this place as i'm blogging. I think both of us loved this place and it was certainly a pity that we only had 1 meal here. Hopefully, we get to come here again. Next up, NASA's Johnson Space Center.

Here's the original space control for all the space missions. A little awe to think that we could send shuttles to space with the lesser memory than the amount in our modern phones. Oh, those are real people inside the control room. Apparently those 2 guys are getting a private tour with the NASA employee

Next up, see the real space shuttle parts that were preserved in this huge warehouse.

I feel small in front of one of the booster.

Now, see Derrick in front of soo many boosters. yep, these are the ones that push the shuttle up.

It's a really long warehouse to house just 1 shuttle and being here just shows how small mankind is compared to space. And we definitely saluate all the man and women in all the space missions that have made dream become a reality.

Here's a side view of how big the shuttle was.

Here's a look at the foodstuff.. Yep, coffee and cream

See that the salt and pepper is in water form. That's how astronauts add salt and pepper to their food.

And here's the modern space food. It's for sale at the shop but we didn't buy any. hee..

Ever wonder how the astronauts wear Omega watches? Yep, Omega watches have been worned on all space trips. It's strapped to the arm.

What's Derrick beaming sooo happy about?

He kept going "I have been to the moon now!" after touching the stone retrieved from the Moon from the apollo missions.

Here's a parting shot at the space center with the team from Star Wars.

Although the relics/ display were really old, it made us better appreciate the technology advancements and that dreams are possible. Kudos again to all that worked in the space industry and risked their lives.

And we end day 1 in Houston with another recommendation from our guide. Niko Niko's for greek food. The place was reallly crowded with locals and the food was pretty good. But again, we shared 1 portion as we fear the portion would again to be too big for both of us.


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