
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 1 in New Orleans - Part 1

What better way to discover New Orleans other than eating your way through? First stop, Cafe du Monde, It'a a super popular cafe that took us around 30min of wait just to get in. Once in, you will find that there's only 1 kind of food sold - beignets. It's a square shaped fluffy you tiao covered in mountains of powdered sugar. It taste really good.

Derrick had hot cafe au lait (chicory and coffee, half coffee, half hot milk) while i had the cold one. See the mountain of powdered sugar that it's covered with. No worries, it ain't too sweet but just fun to eat with all the powder stuff. Website: http://www.cafedumonde.com

See the crowd and the line in the signature Green and White striped cafe? Yep, that's Cafe du monde in New Orleans. Must go if you are ever in New Orleans.

Next,after a long walk through the french market which is similar to any market. We decide to try a New Orleans Sampler for lunch. Well, let's just say the portion was huge for the 2 of us. We had beans (i forgot what it's called locally), jambalayan (Rice with sauage), prawn creole and Gumbo soup. It was a sample of typical New Orleans fare which is very different from typical American fare such as burgers.

See the huge portion? Let's just say the 2 of us can barely finish this.


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