
Sunday, August 22, 2010

My kueh chap experiment

ok, i have cooked braised pork many times and also kueh chap multiple times. But never have i ventured into cooking the kueh chap innards. Aka the small intentines, etc.. Well, i have cooked pig's stomach in soup before and since my husband wants to eat kueh chap with those small intentines, i thought it's a fun challenge that i will take it up.

Firstly, we drove 30minutes to Ranch 99 instead of our usual Chinese supermarket that's nearby as we recall the bigger supermarket sell the intentines. Next, my mama told me to buy "Fen chang'. ermm.. i dunno what's that in english. all she said was there's "Fen chang", small and big intentines, 3 kinds in all.

At the supermarket, we bought the closest thing that we thought looked like it. Pig Uterus, that's what the label says.

Yep, doesn't really look like the kind you see at the Kueh chap store. But after scalding them, they are curly and look right.

After leaving them overnight in the slow cooker. Here are the end products:

Our kueh chap - Pig's uterus aka "fen chang", fried beancurd skin and eggs

With the noodles

And some mustard greens that i had in my fridge.

It was pretty good, except that the intentines seems pretty small compared to the ones found in Singapore. It was dirt cheap at USD$1.55 for the tray and my mama was complaining that Singapore sells these very expensive.

Derrick likes the meal but i think he loves the fried beancurd more. Did i ever tell you that those are his favorite? I once cooked him a huge pot of fried beancurd, Yes.. Fried beancurd only and he happily ate them for an entire week whereas i was sick of it for 2 days.

Back to the Kueh chap, Not sure if the group of friends here are up for some innards. I'm up to cook this again if anyone else craves for this. As for derrick, i won't be cooking this for him again any time soon. It's too high cholestrol and unhealthy... Let's hope the next dish he choose off Dorothy's blog will be an easier dish to cook.


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