
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our mooncake experiments

It's the mooncake festival and we decided to experiment making mooncakes. Well, i will have to make them from scratch as i won't be able to buy the premix like i used to do in Singapore. I was planning to make snow skin lotus mooncake from scratch. And guess what? All my planning didn't involve making flaky yam mooncake, and boy.. Derrick was mad when he realised that at the supermarket when we were buying the ingredients.

Well, he LOVES loves flaky yam mooncakes, and i first made these for him when we were dating. I made the yam mooncake for him without telling him then, and he loved them. I think he ate most of them on that very day. The second time i made those was last year, they didn't turn out too well. Not flaky and the yam filling was not smooth enough. And i can't recall the first time i made them, did i fry or bake them?

Anyhow, i better make these for my dear husband this time round. Well, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So definitely making these loving yam mooncakes.

ok, here's the grand plan that is going to stretch over several days:
1) Make lotus paste filling from scratch
2) Make smooth yam filling
3) Make snow skin lotus mooncake
4) Make flaky yam mooncake

First stop, to make lotus paste. Well. we never manage to buy any ready-made lotus paste over here that taste good. So we decide to try making our own lotus paste. It's a looong tedious process. First soak the lotus seeds for 1 day, cook in slow cooker, then blend it smooth, lastly stir fry it.

It's what it looks like after 1 day of soaking. Next it goes into the slow cooker and blended and stir fried.

Presenting homemade lotus paste. Yummy yummy and super good. Definitely going to increase the amount if i'm ever going to make this again since it's the same amount of effort anyway.

Next, yam filling. Don't let this picture fool you, it's really smooth yam filling that we made successfully. This time round, we cut the yam into cubes instead of slices, and used the food processor to blend the steaming hot yam cubes. Stir fried with lots of shallot oil and sugar.

Tada... here's the end products. Snow skin mooncakes and crispy flaky yam mooncakes.

Only complaints my dear husband has? The spiral of the yam mooncakes are not centered. Let's just say, he's the better meticulous baker and he centered these yam mooncakes. Yum, he's my best co-chef and he helped me in every bit of the process.

The next time i'm making these, i'm adding duck egg yolk to the snow skin mooncakes also. Derrick loves plain lotus ones though. Since we only made a small batch of them, looks like we won't be able to share it with everyone.

Lotus paste receipe: http://amandalwh.wordpress.com/2008/07/26/homemade-lotus-paste
Snow skin receipe: http://amandalwh.wordpress.com/2008/07/26/snow-skin-lotus-paste-mooncake
Flaky yam mooncake receipe: http://auntyyochana.blogspot.com/2006/09/thousand-layer-flaky-yam-mooncake.html


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