
Monday, September 13, 2010

Why do we need a new car for baby?

If you haven't heard, we bought our second car for the upcoming arrival of our baby girl. Why? When we first bought our coupe, we decided that we will get a SUV when we have our baby. Yep, a coupe will be difficult to fit an infant car seat and is a selfish car. Yep, it's difficult to seat people at the back of a coupe. Imagine having to bend your back to try to put the baby car seat in the back.

Also, it's generally safer to drive an all wheel drive during winter. And that we needed a bigger car for all the campings and road trips we would like to do. A bigger cargo space too... So when we know we are expecting a baby, car shopping became the number 1 thing to do.

And although we carpool to work, yes derrick and my office are just across the street in downtown bellevue, there are many a times when either of us have to go main campus or run errands, etc.. So having 2 cars means we could both have our own transport. Especially when the baby arrives, it's definitely easier with 2 cars.

This is what we bought: Honda CRV EX-L with heated leather seats. Derrick says it's my car but i say it's the baby car. Whoever is with the baby, drives this car.

The only negative opinion about the new car purchase is people thinks that we shouldn't have bought the coupe in the first place. Well.. we both love the coupe and it's a more fun drive too. Yes, it's screaming red but it also has better gas mileage too.

Right now, the SUV is a weekend/ at-night-go-gym car and we drive the coupe to work daily. Also, it's the car to drive if we are buying anything big. Guess 3 months later, the SUV will become the main car to drive instead.


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