
Saturday, October 02, 2010

It's ella's birthday week

Yep, another year old and it's my birthday this coming wednesday.This year's birthday is different as we have our little one still in mummy's belly, celebrating with us.

Here's us at IHop on saturday morning enjoying a free breakfast for the birthday girl. Yummz...

Instead of getting a cake or ice cream cake, we bought cupcakes from trophy cupcakes to share with everyone. These are freaking expensive cupcakes and i'm glad i bought a voucher for these when there was a promotion. They cost USD$3 each without the discount. But they taste really good and ain't too sweet. Derrick and i love the Red Velvet cupcake, the ones on the left with the mini heart, so we got 3 of those and 1 of every other flavour. They were all very good. I'm glad others loved these cupcakes too...

Here's the website to trophy cupcakes: http://www.trophycupcakes.com/

Hee.. Derrick and i wore Bing Tshirts. Nope, they happen to be similar shirts we both received from our team. Mine reads "I bing, you bing", while Derrick's reads "Bing. Follow me @Bing Maps" Although both of are are in Microsoft Bing team, we are in very different division altogether. And nope, we didn't arrange to wear couple tshirts today. It so happen both of us grabbed similar shirt from our respective wardrobe that morning. Talk about telepathy...

Here's the birthday girl with her cupcake celebrating with everyone here. Yep, the little one is 7.5 month old and showing in mummy's belly bump.

Thanks to everyone for celebrating my birthday with us. Time flies and it's yet another year for us in the states. Despite being so far away from family in Singapore, it certainly helps to have a great bunch of close friends over here. Thank you everyone again!!!


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