
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

omg! they must be from Singapore

On Sunday, Derrick and i were shopping at Ranch 99 in Renton. That's the bigger Asian supermarket that's like 30minutes drive away from our place.

While Derrick was at the frozen section isle looking for his mini tang yuans, he overheard this mum talking to her kids. When i came looking for derrick and as i walk pass the mum and kids, i heard something soooo darn familiar. Made me turn and look at them. Omg, they must be from Singapore....

I asked Derrick, and he also was about to comment that they are from Singapore. In fact, we concluded that they must have just arrived from Singapore. The distinct Singlish accent. In fact, all i recall was the mum saying something about lack of space in the fridge. And just a few short words, it distinctly screams Singlish. I was super tempted to go forward and say hi to them. But well, the mum doesn't look like she's having a good time, so i passed on the chance of getting to know another Singapore family here in the states.

What is it about the accent? We have no idea.
Do i still sound like that? I guess so.. Maybe not. Cos i'm pretty sure people here now understand what i'm talking about as compared to when i first reach here in the states.

oh boy, it does hit us how distinct Singlish is when you overhear it on the other side of the world.


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