
Monday, October 25, 2010

Weather doesn't look too good

For weeks, we been hearing from the weatherman that this year's winter will be bad. So far, the entire year's average temperature has been lower than usual and we had a terrible summer. Yep, not too much sun this year.

Now that we are into fall, it has been pouring cats and dogs for the past few days, some places were flooded and had power outages due to fallen trees. While the mountains are getting 15inches of snow overnight. Holy cow!!! All these even before Halloween. The weather now sucks big time and it's really cold now, around 50 fahrenheit(~ 10 degrees) when we leave for work in the morning.

Looks like the rainy Seattle weather is back for good until the next summer. I do hope that this year's winter won't be too bad, especially worrysome will be power outages with the baby.

Derrick was saying this morning that we should stock up on emergency food.
I replied: Don't we still have cup noodles?
Derrick replied: ehh.. left like 1-2 cups...

Looks like i really do need to make many rounds to stock up emergency food. We have a portable butane stove, so will still be able to boil water in the event of power outage.

Time to think what to stock up other than bottled water, cup noodles, chocolates...


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