
Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's a quiet Halloween

There wasn't much folks at work that dressed up and this year we didn't go to any halloween party either. Instead, spent most of the weekend busy with work, churning out code. It's a busy period for both of us at work. As for me, it's my last sprint, aka month worth of work before baby arrives and i go on my maternity leave.

The other thing that we managed to do is go Costco and stock up on water and food stuff. Well, now that we are into fall and winter is nearing. It's time to stock up on these essential food and stuff in event of power outage. The weathermen have been warning of a severe winter this year and the outage 2 years' ago is deeply engraved in most people's memory here. Imagine no electricity for a week?

We didn't have any severe winter last year. But then again, we usually spend our winter in Singapore. This year would be an exception with the baby coming along.

sigh.. It's high time to put some time aside to think hard of baby name instead of being stuck with work. Baby's coming soon...


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