
Tuesday, November 09, 2010

It's a burning day

Today at work, there was a mystery burn smell going on at the hallway. It was especially strong right outside my office. It started at 1:30pm and we kinda ignored it. But around 4plus, the smell got really strong and my manager was going round sending everyone home. We or should i say I, called the security who got an officer in to investigate and subsequently fixed the air vents.

Back at home when we got back, i put some rice to cook for lunch tomorrow. Remember we have a microwave rice cooker?

Guess what? For some god knows reason, i put too little water into the rice pot and literally burned it.

Erm, it burned a hole in the rice cooker also.

sigh.. what's with me and burn stuff today. Time to shop for a rice cooker. Should we buy another microwave rice cooker or a "proper" rice cooker that will take up counter space?


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