
Saturday, November 13, 2010

How's baby coming along?

Still no name yet but she's doing fine. 3 more days to full term aka her 37th week, and counting down to her due date of 12/7/2010. Midwife say if there's any labor symptoms now, they won't stop it as she's almost full term. In other words, it's any time that she could be with us.


Yes, kinda reality just set in that our lives will be very different with a baby soon. Our world will no longer be just 2 of us only. In fact, i was busy rushing some work late yesterday and Derrick commented that he should complain to my manager why does a super pregnant lady have to be working this late? ok, although my belly ain't huge, i'm really in the last lag of the pregnancy with 3 more weeks to go.

Anyway, after hearing from the midwife that it could be anytime soon. That very night, i had trouble sleeping and was in panic attack. I had a thought, what if baby decides to come now? oh no, we haven't washed the tons of baby clothes, cloth diapers that we bought. Haven't installed the car seat into the car. Haven't pack the hospital bag. ahhh............

And yet we haven't done any of those listed in the past 2-3 days. We are both still super busy with work and i'm planning my black friday shopping and thanksgiving dinner in 2 weeks time. Crazy? Sounds like it...

What if baby arrives before thanksgiving?
What if i'm out shopping on Black Friday with all the mad crowd and baby decides to arrive?
What if ???

One thing for sure is, we cancelled our plans to fly back Singapore this week for Derrick's cousin's wedding. Yep, we really wanted to go and be there but it was simply too near for comfort. We later decided that maybe Derrick should just fly back alone for the wedding. But with the flight time, transit time, time zone difference and time at wedding. Derrick will be at least 5 days away which was simply too much a risk to take. What if baby decides to arrive in those 5 days? Technically she has all the right and power to do so since she's due anytime in these 3-4 weeks.

Baby ah.. You add an unknown dimension to things. Yes, there's no perfect plans when a baby is involved.


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