
Friday, November 26, 2010

Emily is here

Emily joined us on 11/24/2010. Yep, she decide that she wants to be here for thanksgiving. Wrecking her mummy's plan of cooking turkey and hosting mummy's first ever hosting thanksgiving party. Well, they all say, babies and plans don't go together.

I'm kinda blessed to have a relative quick labor. Here's how it went:

11/24 1am: I got into bed and trying to sleep although I'm having trouble sleeping.

11/24 3am: Felt the need to go pee, got out of bed and when i'm in the bathroom. My water bag burst. Yep, it's like a water fountain. Started to have contractions 3 minutes apart and 1 minute long. Erm, that was too fast and when we called up the hospital, we were told to eat first and check ourselves in as the contractions seems too fast already. Well, most labor are like 12 hours long, so we took our own time to eat breakfast, pack the bags for hospital and slowly make our way to the hospital in the icy weather. Yep, it was the record coldest night of Seattle that very night at -7 degree celsius.

11/24 5am: Arrived at the hospital and we were half expecting to be turned back or a long process ahead. But the nurse checked me and apparently i'm already 3cm dilated. That means halfway through already. Did i skip the first labor step? Looks like it. Didn't ask for epidural as the pain seems manageable.

In the midst of settling down, i chose to laze in bed instead of walking around to accelerate the labor process. Well, i attended the 3 days birthing classes and knew that walking around and doingg the exercises help to accelerate the dilation. But when it's the real deal, somehow lying in bed was my preferred "exercise". The nurses and midwife were super good and kept changing my position in bed since i was lazy to get off bed to walk.

11/24 6am: Nurse was advising Derrick to order breakfast via room service for himself and that it would take around 45mins for them to bring up the food.

11/24 7am: By now, I feel the pain was getting unbearable and ask for epidural. Nurse checked me and i'm already 7cm dilated. Woah.. That's super fast forward dilation and by 7cm, it's already too late to ask for epidural as i should be ready to push anytime. Derrick's breakfast arrived but it was too chaotic to eat as i was ready to push.

Apparently for most folks, to get to 7cm dilation can mean a very very long time....

11/24 8am: Ok, i'm now screaming in pain by now from the contractions. Midwife did another check and it seems i'm ready to push. Thank goodness for that. Firstly, it means i'm at the last lag and i remember from class it could be all over in 30mins. Pushing felt better than suffering from the contractions.

11/24 10am: For what feels like eternity, Emily is finally here. Apparently, that was an unusally long push period since i had a super short dilation period. I was so exhausted from all the pushings that i'm ready to quit and seek any help like vacuum, or anything. Derrick said i have the look "i don't want to give birth liao..." And when Emily is finally crowning, that's when the army comes in. Many more nurses appeared to help out.

Looking back, the labor process isn't as horrific as i expected. Maybe because i have the support of Derrick, nurse and midwife throughout the process. I count our lucky stars that Emily is here safe and sound.


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