
Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's time of the year

yep, if you see this display in the supermarket made out of softdrink cartons. It pretty much says it all. It's Thanksgiving!!! Turkey, feasting and the crazy black friday shopping.. . This year, we are not going to our usual haunt for Thanksgiving dinner at Kelvin's place as he will be vacationing. Well, we offered to host the thanksgiving at our place provided baby does not arrive early.

For the first time, we are going to cook turkey. Pretty exciting with all the planning. Well to cook a big bird, you do need to plan ahead. After much research, we went with the butterball brand and a 14lbs young turkey. We bought the turkey last sunday as we were worried that we may not get the specific turkey we want. So here's the pile of turkeys we have to dig through to find a 14 pounds turkey. By all standard, it's a small turkey but pretty darn big to us. It's the biggest bird that we are going to cook.

Look out for more upcoming posts about the turkey


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