
Monday, November 15, 2010

We didn't know we had a powerful tool in the kitchen

I was having a popiah aka spring roll party at our place for 10 of us. After spending 2 hours cutting the turnips and carrots for the spring rolls, i was ready to collapse on the chair and give up cutting altogether. Don't get me wrong, i love to cook but i hate slicing carrots. Thinly sliced carrots simply take too much of my time.

One of my friends found frozen popiah skins being sold at the supermarket and i decided to host a popiah/spring roll party. It's been a while since i last made spring rolls, all because of the time involved in cutting the turnips and carrots.

This time round, after cutting for 2 hours and 3 more carrots to go, i was really giving up. It's pretty uncomfortable to stand for 2 hours cutting stuff with a baby inside my belly. Legs was about to cramp and back was aching.

So here comes Derrick to the rescue... To help cutting the remaining 3 carrots. Erm, first he complains the knife is not sharp and spends the next 15mins sharpening the knife. Just when he was about to start cutting, he had a thought, "I think our food processor can slice carrots".

Well, we bought this blender/ food processor from Macys a while back for around $30 after all the discounts and coupons. We were into blended smoothies from Jamba Juice and figured paying $5 for each smoothie was too expensive. Well, the number of fruits juices that we have made so far have kinda already paid for itself already. We bought this combination blender/ food processor with the intention to make smoothies and minced garlic also.

So derrick spends another 5 mins grabbing it out, reading the manual and setting it up. And another 5mins later, viola.. 3 carrots turned into sliced carrots. OMG!!! We should have used it long ago and saved ourselves from all the hours of cutting.

5mins is all this took. I think i will have take > 2 hours just to slice these.

From now on, if anyone hints to me that they are craving popiah/ spring rolls. We have no fear. I say bring it on, cos we have a magic tool that will do all the slicing. Yippee!!!


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