
Monday, March 21, 2011

Emily like her hand more

Emily have been licking or should i say sucking her hands. So much so that her clothes are super wet. And we are trying to get her to lick/ suck a toy instead. Well, it's supposedly easier to break the habit if she lick/suck toy instead. And ya, she doesn't really love pacifer and she sends pacifier flying.

A barely awake Emily looking lost sitting in her infant positioner to train her sitting upright. Yep, she ain't keen in any of those toys in front of her yet. Haven't click in all the other toys as they are still air drying.

Hee.. Emily seems to like monkey, so we make sure to give her monkey at all chances. Oh ya, she can grab things now. Yep, she grabs my hair. ARGHHH! See her grabbing monkey? But she still goes for her hand

See her giving me a innocent look? Yup, she seems to know that i'm going to pull her hand out of her mouth.


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