
Friday, March 11, 2011

Super long-awaited post on my confinement

In case you haven't heard, Derrick was my confinement chef and helper, and everything. I don't think i could have survive my first month without my super super good husband. And if you are wondering, what dishes he cooked for me?

Well, we ain't super hardcode traditionist. ie. No bathing for 30days etc... Yes, i bathed almost every day except on days when i'm super tired. Our friend loan us a book he bought from Singapore, and it kinda made it easy for us to cook some form of confinement dishes.

This is the book which you can buy from Popular in Singapore.

There's picture of the food and the ingredients and food are simple. The receipes also are listed by the day of the confinement and explains the benefits.

Here are some pictures that we managed to take before we chow down the food. Yeah, the food are really good and they taste just like dishes you can cook every other day.

Pig kidney and ginger porkribs are yummy

The ginger liver wasn't from the receipe book. Yeah, that dish didn't taste good. And Derrick was never going to cook anything not from the book after this incident.

Ginger chicken and ribs taste pretty similar but yummy.

Papaya soup was ok only but we ain't going to cook again. Simply because papaya are toooo expensive over here in USA.

The black bean soup ain't from the receipe but rather a soup that i cook fairly regularly.

The tumeric fish and honey drumstick are a keeper.

yeah, we loved the tumeric fish

Yep yep did i tell you that the honey chicken was a keeper too?

Yep glutinous rice with sauage is a confinement dish too.

Special thanks to Derrick for serving us yummy food for this difficult month with Emily.


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