
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Love, love, love

Yes, other than the hot weather here in Singapore, there's plenty of family love too. Now that we have baby Emily, it makes me feel sad that she doesn't get to spend much time here in Singapore with our family. My only way of making it up to her is, taking a lot of pictures to show her how loved she is and that she has plently of family here in Singapore.

Yes, we are also enjoying our newfound freedom here in Singapore. We could go for meals or shopping without bringing Emily along, leaving her with family. I certainly will miss this newfound freedom when we return to USA.

Here's Derrick and Emily, Derrick's sister Debbie and her baby boy Owen. Yep, the 2 cousins are 1 week apart in age. Owen is 1 week older than Emily although Emily looks bigger sized.

The 2 great-grandparents talking to the 2 great-grandchildren. See the 2 babies talking with each of them. It was such a touching scene to see babies and great grandparents chatting. Yes, baby talk.

Emily sleeping so soundly in grandma's arms. Yes, Emily loves being carried.

She loves grandpa too. Nope, grandpa wasn't sleeping, just resting his eyes.

Emily enjoying uncle darrin (shu shu) playing his guitar

Emily with grandaunt and great-grandparents, joining in the adults who were trying to baby talk with her.

Emily with grandma. See how happy grandma looks carrying her. ok, Emily doesn't look too happy as she's having her diva mood.

Emily with grandpa who loves carrying her.

Emily and her two Ah Yi.

Emily and Grandaunt.

There are a lot more pictures of family which i haven't blog here and can be found at http://cid-f220337b48c49f2e.skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?page=play&resid=F220337B48C49F2E!989


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