
Sunday, June 05, 2011

What did we do on Memorial Day Holiday 2011?

It was a long weekend as Monday was a holiday too. But since Derrick and Emily are still having the cold, we decided not to join our friends for fear of spreading the sickness. They were having BBQ at a park and it sounds fun. So it was really a pity that we can't join them.

Derrick, in order to make me feel better, decided that we will have our own BBQ in our own deck. Well, we stayed in this place for 3 years now and never used our beautiful patio deck. We used our camping portable BBQ grill.

Bought a charcoal chimmney, the black cylinder that makes starting the fire with charcoals a total breeze. It's definitely worth buying that.

Here's Derrick bbqing the food

Oh yummy, corn, sausages, chicken wing, zucchini...

It was a great Memorial day holiday after all.


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