
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Korean dinner

korean side dishes

Today feels like blue moon.. Cos it's rare that we eat out. It's my first time at Blue Ginger, a korean grill restaurant. Derrick wanted the grill.. We wanted to order grill, some veg and a hot spicy soup. But the minimum order is 2 plates of meat for the grill. So we asked, is the portion big? Cos we looked ard, the plates of meat seems small. The waitress said 2 plates of meat is enough for 3 people.

Realli? So we stopped at 2, Yes.. We only ordered the minimum 2 plates of meat. We gave the soup, veg a miss as we don't want to risk gourging. The dishes aren't cheap but we didn't want to gorge ourselves. The portions in USA are a little unpredictable, in some places, the portions are huge.

When the dishes came, we understand why the waitress say it can serve 3 people. By default, it comes with white rice, a big plate of salad and all these sides.. Yes.. It comes free... And we didn't order whatever u see in the above picture.

In the end, we bagged some of the meat back as we were full. That will be for tmr's lunch ba..
The 2 plates of meat portion isn't big but the rice + side dishes + salad filled us up..


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