
Saturday, December 15, 2007

I almost fell for this


I received this email from "Bank of America" and it looked so real. I called up the number listed in the email. I hang up after the greeting. Why?
It asked for my full social security number aka NRIC number. Now i'm very sure Bank of America never ask for this. In fact, i have registered my hp with them, and the last time i called in to Bank of America, they had all my info when i called in with the hp that was registered with them.

To think that i almost fell for this and become a victim of identity theft. To think that they even have the same greetings as the real Bank of America when u call in


  • At 10:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    ohdear! this is so scary. I know never to go to bank's website via a link from email. Always type in the url youself.

    And I think you shld report this suspicious to BOA. :x


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