
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Soul Food from home - Nasi Lemak

I feel fortunate to have a group of friends here that are great cooks. Ricky and Sheue Lei had us over their house last night for Nasi Lemak. Oh my.. It was really good.. The chilli was so authentic.

Nothing beats chomping down 1 plate of nasi lemak with green soup soup with a bunch of friends. Talking Singlish to each other while on the other side of the world from home..

Hee.. But now that we took to cooking Singapore food for our gatherings, you actually find that food back home in Singapore are really unhealthy. Coconut, etc.. I'm now more aware of the things that goes into the food and am glad that we are eating these lesser compared to days when we were back home.

Nasi lemak

Imagine having you tiao with hot kopi.. Yes.. That's the next on my list to have..
We should have a you tiao feast soon..


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