
Saturday, December 01, 2007

Snow. Snowing.. Snowed

Yes.. we were expecting light snow in Seattle for this weekend. And this morning when i woke up, i see some light snow. Got me pretty excited about it. And within 3 hours, the snow got heavier.. It's the first time i see snow at our place. It's not too cold but it really feels like Christmas.

Nay.. Not going out in the snow today, cos the snow melts, which may become ice on the road. And that can be dangerous as lack of traction. It's uncommon to snow over here, in fact, if it snows on weekday, most people simply stays at home to work.

Snow 2

For now, i'm just enjoying my snow through the windows... Maybe i should turn on the radio, they are playin Christmas songs all month long till Christmas..


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