
Friday, October 10, 2008

On a fri evening in Seattle...

Having spent 20min in the crazy traffic on a friday evening in Seattle, what's the best thing to do? Heading back home for dinner is not a good option as the traffic is bad. We just got out of the traffic, there's no way we will want to head into the traffic...

Since we are in Seattle, we decided to go to Musashi. It's a small japanese restaurant that we never had chance to go before.
(1 Attempt) Didn't join friends as we didn't want to join in the bad fri traffic
(2 Attempt) The shop is closed on Sunday.
(3 Attempt) ahhh.. the restaurant is closed on Monday too? #@!!!
(4 Attempt) Success..

Derrick at Musashi
Derrick shying from camera.

ella at Musashi
Me looking forward to a good dinner meal..

Japanese dinner
yummy and cheap sashimi for dinner.. Can you believe the big bowl is only $14, it's full of fresh sashimi.

We have been on our no-carbo diet for weeks and somehow rice doesn't felt missed. But what's a japanese meal without rice? Yes, another break from the diet again...

Work has been hectic and bad traffic that we just went thru.... The yummy-cheap-fresh-meal does more than just fill the tummy. It's heals the soul too..


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