
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I made glutinous rice for the first time

It's a dish that my mum make very often and yet i haven't ventured into making it. So here am i, making this dish on Sunday night so that we can have it for the next day. I only cooked 2 small rice cups of rice for 4 servings (Way less than the receipe's portion) and steamed in 2 bowls instead of 4 bowls. Faster as my steamer could only take a maximum of 2 bowls. And Derrick says.. just do 2 bowls and we can share.

So here's the half of a bowl. Taste pretty good, not close to mummy's but still good. Portion is a little small for 1 meal though. Next time, i'm going to cook more and use pork instead of chicken. Maybe it will taste better.

And oh ya, mama's little trick that she just told me. Add a little sesame oil when it's almost done. Now, that wasn't written in the receipe book.


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