
Sunday, February 14, 2010

How did we spent Chinese New Year Reunion dinner 2010?

Yet another chinese new year being spent away from Singapore. Another Chinese New Year again overseas in USA, yet, this year it felt memorable and one that's truly warm to the heart. This year instead of having steamboat, we decided to do potluck instead.

Here's me busy at the kitchen cooking while Derrick sneak a picture of his busy wife.

Wanted to cook Yam Ring. Here's the yam rings before the frying. Let's just say the frying part was a nightmare, so instead, we made yam balls. And that little canister of cashews is the most expensive cashews i ever bought at USD$7.

Time for the big feast. Yes, it's a LOT of food even for 14 of us. We even cooked 9 cups of rice thinking that there's ain't enough to go around. Let's just say we have plenty of abundance for the coming year. Not in the picture were the chicken soup, desserts like cheng ting, fried nian gao, and orh nee(yam).. yummmy yummy..

The reunion dinner felt special not only because we had plenty of food. But the company of everyone made it memorable. One of our friends had car trouble and we waited for them. Although we made fun of them, we were truly happy that we did wait for them. Let me quote someone: "Let's wait for them. It's reunion dinner and we are all a family and we should wait."

Yes, true family, that's what really describes us. Most of us have known each other since we came to USA and we meet for dinner most of the weekends. In Singapore, i know that friends aren't even that close to meet that often. For some, they don't even meet to have dinner with family at least once a week.

I'm happy and grateful to have family even while being so far away from Singapore. Which is why, i love to cook and have everyone over for dinner. It just feels good to meet up, talk about the past week, play some mahjong or game or watch some DVD. Spending some quality time together really warms the soul.

To my family and friends back in Singapore, remember that you are not forgotten and we miss your company dearly. Wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year!!! 发啊!!!


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