
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Snowboard round 1

It's been a while since we last went to a ski resort, 2 years to be exact. Last year, we didn't go as we were busy with wedding preparations. This year, we haven't have much snow and the nearest ski resort Snoqualmie was said to be super icy. We decided to make the long drive to the further ski resort - Stevens Pass, which is 2.5hour drive away on good traffic conditions. The post about our first skiing Skiing first time

Yeah, See the snow on Stevens pass although it hasn't snowed for the last 2 weeks.

Just finished snowboarding lesson 1 and super hungry for food now. Yes, it's snowing now, which is why i'm so elated. Going to hit the slopes again after a quick round of sandwiches to fill the tummy.

See how fast the day becomes dark? We tried skiing the other time and decided to try snowboarding this time round. See the lift behind us? We tumbled out of the chairs on both attempts.

This is Derrick taking a break on the soft snow after tumbling out of the lift. Derrick likes snowboarding better than skiing. Me too, i like snowooarding better as the boots are lighter and have lesser equipment to carry.

Snowboarding day 1 wasn't too bad, considering we managed to do 2 runs. The begineer slope at Stevens is almost twice the length than Snoqualmie's. And definitely more slopes to turn here. The last time we did skiing, we took > 1hour to do 1 run and was a terrible tumbling one. Maybe it's because we done some skiing before, so this time round it ain't that bad. But we are still definitely beginners. Need to go for lesson 2 and 3 to master more.

As for now, i'm still resting my sore body from all the tumblings. Yep, day 1 of skiing/ snowboarding = Lots of tumblings


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